Career Development

CMES is committed to providing professional development support to its MA students. Our alumni work across the world in government, the private sector, and non-profit organizations, among other industries. Here you will find resources, events, and other opportunities to assist your career search. 

CMES Career Talks & Professional Development Events
  • Check our schedule of career talks and professional development events for opportunities to network with CMES alumni, gain valuable professional skills, and leverage your MA degree towards careers in government, non-profits, and the private sector.
On-Campus Resources
  • UChicagoGRAD offers a range of services and resources to enhance the ability of graduate students and postdoctoral scholars to navigate their careers at UChicago and beyond.

  • The Institute of Politics (IOP) Career Development office helps students focus on career exploration and offers more than 225 internships around the world, from Washington, D.C. to Beijing, and the IOP gives each intern a $5,000 stipend to support their summer experience. 

Job & Internship Opportunities

All opportunities are paid/funded unless otherwise specified



Think Tanks:

Nonprofits and NGOs